Saturday, December 18, 2010

Opportunities...Time for you to take a step? (click on photo to enlarge)

As you look at the blog and you're prompted, please contact us for additional information. There are opportunities to go as a volunteer...Most likely there is a need for whatever you're interested in. There are also volunteer opportunities without going. Volunteers helped set up the blog, develop our logo, donated medical supplies, teddy bears, toys...even the money to buy pigs, books and turkeys. In Laos, school stops for deaf children at 8th grade. A volunteer is helping develop the needed sign language curriculum. You want to go play with orphans, plant a garden, install a sprinkler system for the garden, paint, install a shower or two or three, fix something, teach something? The need is there. If someone would've told me 5 years ago that I'd be spending vacations in SE Asia (it's definitely a working vacation), I wouldn't have believed them. Now I wake up every day thinking about the people and the needs there, and what we can do to contribute to their lives. Like our friend Vilat says, "If we wait till we have enough time or enough money to start, we never will." Take a step, you'll be blessed as a result. Southeast Asia Healthcare Partners, Inc., is a non-profit Texas corporation that serves elderly and orphans in SE Asia. We are all volunteers.